Place of Birth
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Yanez History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Yanez
What does the name Yanez mean?
The mountainous borders of Spain contain the origins of the prestigious surname Yanez. The earliest forms of hereditary surnames in Spain were the patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father’s given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother’s given name. Spanish patronymic names emerged as early as the mid-9th century and the most common patronymic suffix is ez.
Early Origins of the Yanez family
The surname Yanez was first found in Castile, preeminent among the Christian kingdoms of medieval Spain.
Yanez Spelling Variations
Spelling variations of this family name include: Ibáñez, Ibañez, Ibánez, Ibanez, Ibán, Iban, Iváñez, Ivañez, Ivánez, Ivanez, Báñez, Bañez, Bánez, Banez, Fáñez, Fañez, Fánez, Fanez, Juan, Juanes, Juanas, Juano, Joanes, Juánez, Juanez, Yáñez, Yañez, Yánez and many more.
Early Notables of the Yanez family
Prominent among members of the family were Pedro Yáñez Espiga and Fernán Ibáñez Baticela, who received a grant of land in the Repartimiento de Córdoba after that city was retaken from the Muslims in 1236; Gonzalo Yáñez de Meneses, who fought in the reconquest of Seville in 1248; Gonzalo Yáñez, who received a gift of land from King Alfonso X in 1257; Rodrigo Yáñez, author of the fourteenth century Leonese “Poem of Alfonso XI”; fifteenth century nobleman Alonso Yáñez Fajardo; Domingo Báñez, sixteenth…
Another 82 words (6 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Yanez Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
Yanez Ranking
In the United States, the name Yanez is the 2,604th most popular surname with an estimated 12,435 people with that name. 1
Yanez migration to the United States+
Some of the first settlers of this family name were:
Yanez Settlers in United States in the 19th Century
- Hernando Yanez, who landed in America in 1826 2
- Rodrigo Yanez, who landed in America in 1827 2
- Juan Yanez, who arrived in New Spain in 1834 2
- Pedro Yanez, who arrived in Columbia in 1836 2
- L Yanez, aged 40, who landed in New Orleans, La in 1837 2
- … (More are available in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.)