
Normandin History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Normandin
What does the name Normandin mean?
The name Normandin has a long French heritage that first began in the northern region of Normandy. The name is derived from when the family lived in Normandy. It is generally understood that the name was originally derived from the place-name Normandy.
Early Origins of the Normandin family
The surname Normandin was first found in Normandy (French: Normandie), the former Duchy of Normandy, where they held a family seat at Grandcour, and are believed to be represented in the year 1066 at that seigneurie, through William of Grandcour, son of William, Count d’Eu, who was said to be a man of great bravery and who was conducted to an honorable refuge in France after the Norman Conquest of England.
Alex Normandin (House of Normandin)