
Tyson History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
The name Tyson is rooted in the ancient Norman culture that arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It was a name for someone who was a fiesty or hot-tempered person. The name is a metaphor derived from the Old French word tison meaning fire-brand.
Alternatively the name could have originated from “Tesson or Taisson, the Norman-French for badger.” 1
Early Origins of the Tyson family
The surname Tyson was first found in Northumberland where they held a family seat from early times, where the name originally was Tesson, one of the most powerful families in Normandy seated at Angouleme. Their history is French more than Viking and they distinguished themselves against the Saracens in 725.
They were later seated at Anjou and Raoul Tesson the first Lord of Cingueleiz led 120 knights at Val-Des-Dunes in 1047. Gilbert Tesson, his brother, obtained the barony of Alnwick from King Edward the Confessor, England’s Saxon King, and was killed at the Battle of Hastings, fighting on the Saxon side. 2