
Simi History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Similar to many French family names, the distinguished surname Simi is a proud sign of a rich and ancient ancestry. The earliest forms of hereditary surnames in France were the patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father’s given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother’s given name. The patronyms were derived from a variety of given names that were of many different origins. As well as the names of the saints of the Christian Church, many of the most common French surnames are derived from personal names of Germanic origin. They derive from the language of the Visigoths, who controlled France between the mid-5th and early 8th centuries. Simi is derived from the Hebrew personal name Shim’on, meaning to hearken.
Early Origins of the Simi family
The surname Simi was first found in Lorraine where they held a family seat and are said to be descended from the first French Simon or Sigismond, the Duke of Lorraine, 1115 A.D. who was succeeded by Simon II in 1179. There is also some distant relationship to Simond, King of Bourgogne. Robert Simon is cited as a knight in 1169. 1
This prolific family dispersed to many parts of France including Kerbringal, Val-au-Houlle, Vallemoisan, Villeneuve and Ligou in Brittany, Plainmarais in Normandie, Quirielle in Bourbonnais, Maine, Laval, Montillemart and Ratisbone. Abbot Honoré-Richard Simon was a noted researcher who died in 1693. Richard Simon was a celebrated orator who died in 1712. Denis Simon was a noted jurist who died in 1731. Antoine Simon was guardian of the dauphin Louis XVII at Temple Prison in 1793. In Britain this surname Simon became the family name of the Viscounts and Barons Simon.
Gregoire Simon, born in 1631, son of Jean and Simone (née Bancherelle), travelled to Canada in the 17th century. He married Jeanne Collet, born in 1645, daughter of Michel and Marie (née Henaut), in Montreal, Quebec on 31st December 1668. They settled together in Montreal until they passed away on 8th May 1691. 2