
Durham History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Durham
What does the name Durham mean?
The Durham surname is a habitational name, originally taken on from the city of Durham, in northeastern England. This place name comes from the Old English “dun,” meaning “hil.” Another source claims the name “is derived from the Saxon Bun and holm, a town in a wood.” 1
Early Origins of the Durham family
The surname Durham was first found in “Durham in the north of England, anciently Dunhelm or Dunholm.” 2 3 The Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 list Walter de Durham and William de Dureham in London and John de Durame in Essex. 4 By far the lion’s share of records are found north in Scotland where “Robertus de Durham was one of twelve Scots knights appointed to settle the laws of the marches in 1249. The seal of Walter Durham of Dumfriesshire who rendered homage in 1290 reads S’ Valteri Dwrant. ” 2