England Ireland Scotland

Herron History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
The proud Norman name of Herron was developed in England soon after Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It was name for a person who was long legged or of tall stature. The name Herron is derived from the Old English word heiroun, which meant heron.
Alternatively, the name originated in Heron, near Rouen in Normandy and some of the family arrived with William the Conqueror. “Tihel de Herioun was of Essex, 1086. 1 Odenel Heron, temp. William Rufus (third son of William the Conqueror), witnessed a charter in Durham. ” 2
Early Origins of the Herron family
The surname Herron was first found in Northumberland at Thornton, a township, in the parish of Norham, union of Berwick-upon-Tweed. “This place was the manor and residence of a family named Heron.” 3
“Sir John Hairun entered England with the Conqueror, and was possessed of Ford Castle, and a very good estate. There is a commune in the arrondissement of Rouen called Le Heron, but it does not appear whether this was the cradle of the race.” 4
“From the adventurer Herioun sprang the warlike race of Heron, so celebrated in Border feud and Border minstrelsy. In 1100, they possessed by grant from Henry I., the Barony of Heron in Northumberland, and in 1166, exactly a century after their Norman ancestor set foot in England, Jordan Hairun is named in the Liber niger Scuccarii, amongst the knights then enjoying great estates in the north. In the reign of henry III., the marriage of William Heriun, Governor of Bamborough Castle, with the daughter and heir of Odonel de Ford, transplanted the family to the lands of her inheritance and there – at Ford Castle – they continued in high repute for several generations, William Heron of Ford being summoned to parliament as a Baron in 1371. ” 5
Exploring the parish of Ford, Northumberland more we found this entry: “On the western side of the village is Ford Castle, erected in 1287 by Sir William Heron, and rebuilt by the late Lord Delaval; two towers, the remains of the former castle, are retained in the present structure. The castle was demolished by the Scots in 1385.” 3
“The history of the Herons and their achievements in all their various lines, would fill a volume : here we must content ourselves with enumerating some of the more distinguished branches : next in importance to that of Ford, were the Herons of Prudhoe, the Herons of Chipchase, the Herons of Cressy, and the Herons of Newarkupon-Trent.” 5
Further to the north in Scotland, “the old family of Heron in the Stewertry claim descent from the Herons of Chipchase who appear in Northumberland in the eleventh century. ” 6
The Yorkshire Poll Tax Rolls of 1379 include: Ricardus Herun; Emma Herun; and Agnes Herun. 7
We did find this interesting anecdote: “Sir William Heron, Sheriff of Northumberland 17 Hen. VIII., was the father of the beautiful Elizabeth, who detained James IV. at Ford, so as to give the Earl of Surrey time and opportunity for advancing towards the Borders with a large army: From its strong position, commanding the bridge over the river Till, the castle had been a constant bone of contention between the English and Scots; and was entirely demolished by the latter in 1385: but its most memorable capture was by King James in 1513, for it thus became for ever associated with ‘the tale of Flodden, that is written in blood on every Scottish heart.'” 2