England Germany-Alt Germany

Beck History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Nestled between the Rhine and Wesser rivers is the ancient German region of Westphalia. Westphalia, the home of the name Beck. Hereditary surnames were adopted in this region after the 12th century, and surnames were derived from localities were common. Local surnames originally denoted the proprietorship of the village or estate. When coupled with the German preposition von, which means from or of, local names can indicate that the initial bearer of the name was an aristocrat. The Beck family originally lived in northern or southern Germany.
In the north, the name was derived from the German word “bach” or “beke” which mean “stream,” meaning the original bearer of this surname lived by a stream or a brook.
To the south, the name was an occupational name for a “baker.”1 As a baker, or perhaps the son of one, he held a unique position in the village and could afford an oven for which the primary activity was using that oven to make bread, perhaps often baking dough brought to him by other town folk who did not have access to an oven.
Early Origins of the Beck family
The surname Beck was first found in Westphalia, where the name emerged in mediaeval times as that of a notable family in the region. German archives include a document from as early as the year 1245 wherein is mentioned one Simon Bek, who was then a citizen of Leipzig.