Birth name
Lance Pachard Simms
Place of Birth
Baltimore MD
Powhatan (Sharaki)
Scotland Ireland England

Simms History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Simms
What does the name Simms mean?
The ancestors of the name Simms lived among the Boernician tribes of ancient Scotland. Simms comes from the Medieval given name Sim which was derived from Simon, but denoted son of Simon. 1
Early Origins of the Simms family
The surname Simms was first found in East Lothian, where the name is a diminutive of Symon and Simeon.
In “Symmie and his Bruder,” a satire in the vein of Peblis to the play, we have mention of “Bayth Sym and his bruder,” and “Nowthir Syme nor his bruder.” 2
Moreover, “Sim is not always representative of Clan Moc-Shimidh as some think-it is a common English name as well.” 2
Early records of the name in Scotland include: “Sym Clerk [who] witnessed an instrument of resignation in 1446, John Sym de Banchry, recorded in 1503, Andrew Sym, vicar of Cumry (Comrie) in 1530 and William Sym [who] witnessed a precept of clare constat of 1548. William Sym in Nether Possill is recorded in 1596.” 2
At about this time, we also found records in England, specifically Thomas Symme, listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax Rolls of 1379. Christopher Sims, Berkshire appears in the Register of the University of Oxford in 1504; and Ellen Simms, of Warrington is listed in the Wills of Chester in 1593. 1