
Tasker History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Tasker
What does the name Tasker mean?
The surname Tasker comes from the Middle English “taske” from the Latin “taxare” meaning “to appraise.” Like most Latin based words in English, it was introduced by the Normans. It came to be used as a surname to denote an appraiser, and later it came to mean one who performed a specific task, like threshing or reaping. Another source claims the word “tasker” was given to a labourer who received his wages in kind for a certain task and yet another claims the name was a trade name for a thrasher or a reaper. 1
Early Origins of the Tasker family
The surname Tasker was first found in Essex, where Taske appears in records of 1185. John le Tasker was listed in the Assize Rolls of Northumberland in 1279 and in the same year, Benedict le Taskur was listed in the Rotuli Hundredorum. 2