Place of Birth
New Jersey
Tribal Affiliation
Surname Heritage
England / Ireland / Scotland
Giles History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

The name Giles reached England in the great wave of migration following the Norman Conquest of 1066. It is based on the medieval given name Giles. This name is derived from the Greek aigidion, which means kid, or young goat.
Another source claims the family were originally Norman from “La Gile or Gueilles, Normandyas the Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae lists Robert de Gueilles of Normandy 1198. [1]
Early Origins of the Giles family
The surname Giles was first found in the Domesday Book of 1086 where Gilo and Ghilo were both listed. [2] Shortly after Widofilius Gisel was listed in Lincolnshire as was Gisle, Egidius, Gilo, Gile in 1183-1187.
About this time, the first records of the name as a surname appeared: Ailward, Godfrey Gile in the Pipe Rolls for Berkshire and Northumberland 1176, 1191; William Gyles in the Subsidy Rolls for Sussex in 1296; William Gilis in the Assize Rolls for Kent in 1317; and Nicholas Gisel in Suffolk in 1346. [3]
“The Domesday Book Gilo has been identified with Old German Gilo, equivalent to Gislebertus, and this is supported by the forms Gisel, Gisle. The Latinization of this by Egidius shows that the scribe associated the name with Giles, a difficult name, regularly translated Egidius, from Greek ayíiov ‘kid’. The name of the 7th-century Provengal hermit St Ægidius spread widely and survives as Gidi, Gidy in southern France, as Gili, Gilli in the Alpes-Maritimes, elsewhere as Gile, Gille. The popularity of this form in England is proved both by the number of churches dedicated to St Giles and by the frequent medieval Egidius.” [3]
The Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 include: Egidius, or Gilius Gowsell, Lincolnshire; Jordan filius Egidii, Lincolnshire; and Osbert filius Egidii, Lincolnshire. [4]
Further to the north in Scotland, the first record was of William Gilis who gave his land of Mosplat to the church of Lanark c. 1214. But we must wait over three hundred years to find the next references: Robert Geliss was chaplain in 1527, and Jhone Gelis was one of an inquest on lands of Gowane (Govan) in the same year. [5]
“Dean Prior, [Devon] was purchased at the Dissolution from Henry VIII. by William Giles of Bowden, near Totnes, and in the mansion which the Gileses built there long resided Sir Edward Giles, born at Totnes about 1580, one of Prince’s ‘ Worthies,’ and a prominent Devonian throughout a long career. A soldier in the Low Countries, under Elizabeth ; a courtier, knighted by James I. at his coronation ; constantly chosen one of the representatives of Totnes during the reigns of James and Charles he proved himself not only a statesman, but a patriot, by remonstrating against ship-money in 1634. The epitaph on Sir Edward Giles and his wife, placed beneath their handsome monument in Dean Prior Church, was written by Robert Herrick, who was for many years Vicar of Dean.” [6]
Early History of the Giles family
This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Giles research.
Giles Spelling Variations
The English language only became standardized in the last few centuries. For that reason, spelling variations are common among many Anglo-Norman names. The shape of the English language was frequently changed with the introduction of elements of Norman French, Latin, and other European languages; even the spelling of literate people’s names were subsequently modified. Giles has been recorded under many different variations, including Giles, Gyles, Jiles and others.
Early Notables of the Giles family (pre 1700)
Outstanding amongst the family at this time was John Gyles (ca.1680-1755), American interpreter and soldier, best known for his account of his experiences with the Malecite tribes. Mascal Gyles (died 1652), was an English vicar of Ditchling, Sussex, from 1621 to 1644; and Henry Gyles or Giles (1640?-1709), was an English.
Giles World Ranking
In the United States, the name Giles is the 729th most popular surname with an estimated 39,792 people with that name. [7] However, in Canada, the name Giles is ranked the 994th most popular surname with an estimated 5,456 people with that name. [8] And in Newfoundland, Canada, the name Giles is the 668th popular surname with an estimated 66 people with that name. [9] Australia ranks Giles as 350th with 10,295 people. [10] New Zealand ranks Giles as 368th with 1,734 people. [11] The United Kingdom ranks Giles as 406th with 16,046 people. [12]
Migration of the Giles family to Ireland
Some of the Giles family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt.
Giles migration to the United States +
To escape the uncertainty of the political and religious uncertainty found in England, many English families boarded ships at great expense to sail for the colonies held by Britain. The passages were expensive, though, and the boats were unsafe, overcrowded, and ridden with disease. Those who were hardy and lucky enough to make the passage intact were rewarded with land, opportunity, and social environment less prone to religious and political persecution. Many of these families went on to be important contributors to the young nations of Canada and the United States where they settled. Giless were some of the first of the immigrants to arrive in North America.