
Norwood History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
Etymology of Norwood
What does the name Norwood mean?
The lineage of the name Norwood begins with the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It is a result of when they lived in or near “the north wood,” as in the northernmost wood within a particular jurisdiction; or in one of the several places named Norwood or Northwood found throughout England. 1 Another source notes the name was derived from the words “north” + “wood.” 2.
Early Origins of the Norwood family
The surname Norwood was first found in Devon, where Painot de Norwude was listed in the Pipe Rolls of 1176. A few years later, Pipe Rolls for Kent include Alexander de Norwuda in 1190 and Geoffrey Northwud was found in the Curia Regis Rolls for Norfolk in 1205. 3
Some of the family were found in the parish of Sittingbourne in Kent where: “It is an incident worthy of notice in the ancient history of this town, that Henry V. was entertained at the Red Lion here, by John Northwood, a gentleman resident in the vicinity, at the expense of nine shillings and ninepence.” 4
The Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 had two listings for the family: Mauger de Northwode, Bedfordshire; and William de Northwode, Suffolk and later, the Yorkshirew Poll Tax Rolls of 1379 included: Tillot de Northwode; and Johannes Norwode. 5